How to create MySQL Database | How to create MySQL user | How to add MySQL user to database

How to create MySQL Database | How to create MySQL user | How to add MySQL user to database

How to create MySQL Database

To create a new Database into cPanel need to sign in to cPanel and find the “DATABASES” section for creating MySQL Database.


Click on the “MySQL Databases” for the next step.


Write the Database name on the field like the attachment below and click on “Create Database” button.
The database has been created successfully.


Now, need to create a user to manage the database.

To do this, scroll down the database page and find the fields like the attachment below.
Write the username, password, and click on “Create User”.


The next step is to assign the user to the database that’s created earlier.
Select the right user and database from the selection dropdown options like the attachment below.


A perdition page will be open and you have to allow all privileges to fully manage the database by the user already created.


Now click “Make Changes” button to complete the process and done!

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