Category: Woocommerce

Phone number Field Mask | Billing phone number field mask | WooCommerce phone number field mask 100% Effective

Phone number Field Mask | Billing phone number field mask | WooCommerce phone number field mask 100% Effective

The billing phone number field on the WooCommerce checkout page is sometimes hard to read. So we can format it by adding 2 dashes (-) for readability, it’s called masking. The code below shows it. We can also mask the shipping field using the same method. That’s it about the “Phone number Field Mask”

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How To Change Place Order Text In WooCommerce Checkout – Change “Place order” button text in WooCommerce Checkout

How To Change Place Order Text In WooCommerce Checkout – Change “Place order” button text in WooCommerce Checkout

Follow the full instruction for WooCommerce. In many cases, we need to change different texts in WooCommerce. Especially different titles, add-to-cart buttons, and place order buttons. Previous Next Today, we will know how to change the text of the place-order button on the checkout page according to the payment method selected. For this, we need

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Empty cart before add to cart in WooCommerce

Empty cart before add to cart in WooCommerce

This function will reset/empty the cart and will add the last product to the cart. This is a WooCommerce PHP function that over wright the WC cart function. We can use this function for individual product selling websites or for a subscription website. Add the following code in the function.php file of your active child

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